College Draft –  August 2025

The Major League Rugby (MLR) College Draft aims to provide a pathway for men’s rugby players from college to Major League Rugby in the USA and Canada. It was conceived with the following goals in mind:

  • To support the college rugby landscape;
  • To provide a pathway for US and Canadian collegiate players to Major League Rugby;
  • Provide transparency to MLR teams, collegiate players and administrators;
  • To encourage parity among MLR teams.




The MLR College Draft 2025 will take place at the end of August and will air on  The Rugby Network (exact date and time will be published in due course).

MLR will use a “Draft and Follow” approach. Rights to drafted players will be assigned following the MLR College Draft. MLR teams may activate those rights at any point until the mid-point of the next competitive MLR season AFTER the player is eligible to play in the MLR (through graduation/expiry of college eligibility/relinquishment of college eligibility). Drafting teams may sign those players or trade player rights with other MLR teams.

A player that isn’t signed by a team within the above-mentioned rights period, shall enter the subsequent year’s Draft as long as they are eligible.  If they lose their College Draft eligibility, they may enter the MLR if a team desires their services.

Order of selections

The order of selection will be the inverse of standings at the end of the 2025 MLR season which will be based on a) round of Playoffs reached and b) regular season record. The Draft order is subject to change as teams make trades. The Draft will consist of three rounds. Order of selection will be updated following the 2025 MLR Championship.


Players who are eligible for the 2025 Draft must declare to have the opportunity to play for an MLR team. Players who are eligible but do not declare for the draft will not be eligible to participate in the MLR season following the eligibility expiration or graduation.   ( MLR may, at its sole and absolute discretion, choose to grant a waiver for entry into MLR no early than after season’s mid-point. These are evaluated on a case by case basis)

Key eligibility criteria:

1. Must be enrolled in a US/Canadian University or College during the 2024-2025 academic year and be able to provide documentation (transcripts) as evidence of the same.

2. Must have competed in College or University Rugby during the 2024-2025 academic year and be able to provide documentation (registration information) as evidence of the season.

3. Must have completed 3 years of college OR be at least 21 years of age.

Upon submission, MLR will review documentation and reserves the right to seek additional information to confirm eligibility.

Players other than those defined by the eligibility rules above may enter MLR if a team desires their services.

Collegiate players may declare for the MLR College Draft at any time by clicking on the link below:


Registration Forms Will be available shortly.

Draft Policy Summary

By declaring for the draft, players will be asked to acknowledge policies that include, but are not limited to:

  • Player may potentially lose his college eligibility if an MLR contract is negotiated and / or signed;
  • Player must be willing to relocate to any MLR team if he is drafted;
  • Player must be willing to allow MLR to use his images and attributes during the 2025 MLR Draft.
  • MLR teams retain the assignment rights of draftees through the mid-point of the next MLR season.

All MLR contracts fall under two categories:

  • Standard Player Contract – Salaried, fixed term
  • Associate Player Contract – Hourly wage

Once a player is drafted, the specifics of each contract, including type, compensation amounts, and term, will be negotiated between the League, team, and the player, once the player completes his collegiate eligibility.

A player that isn’t signed within the rights period, may enter the subsequent year’s Draft as long as they are eligible. If they lose their Collegiate eligibility, they may enter the MLR if a team desires their services. (Provided they are not College Draft Eligible)

Players who enroll but aren’t drafted may enter the MLR if a team desires their services and they are no longer eligible for the next Draft. If they are eligible for the next Draft, they must enroll again to join MLR.

With notable exception, graduating seniors who were previously drafted as eligible juniors may sign at any time until that season’s MLR Championship Match (June 30th, 2024); if unsigned they shall re-enter the MLR College Draft.

College Draft FAQs

I enrolled, now what?

MLR will be making the list of eligible Draft prospects public. Stay tuned to MLR social channels for releases and contact if you don’t see your name on the list.

I am a current student/recent graduate college player in the US/Canada, do I have to declare for the draft to be a part of MLR?

Yes, you need to declare for the Draft if you are eligible and want to play within MLR.

If you are eligible and do not declare for the Draft, you will not be able to play in the MLR until the mid-point of the next MLR Season after your collegiate eligibility expires.

Do I have to be enrolled at a US or Canadian College/University between 2023 to 2024 to be eligible for the draft?

Yes, to be eligible for the 2024 Draft you must have been enrolled as a student at a US or Canadian College/University during the 2023-2024 Academic year and be able to show proof of enrollment (such as transcripts). Please upload these into the document section of the registration form.

I played rugby at a US or Canadian College/University between 2023 to 2024, can I declare for the Draft?

Yes, make sure you upload your registration details, with your relevant governing body – USA Rugby, Rugby Canada, NCR, OUA et al) within the registration form.

I graduated in December 2023, am I eligible for the Draft?

Yes, December 2023 graduates are eligible for the draft provided they have not exhausted their collegiate eligibility and not already entered MLR through the 2023 College Draft process.

How will you verify that I am eligible for the MLR College Draft?

You must submit both your 2023-2024 College Transcripts and the requisite College Rugby Governing Body Registration card/printout (USA Rugby, NCR, Rugby Canada, OUA et al.) to the documents section on the registration form

I am a foreign student in a US university/college, can I declare for the Draft?

Yes, as long as you meet the other necessary eligibility criteria.

I am a student in a university/college outside of the US and Canada, can I declare for the Draft?

No, unfortunately, this draft is for US and Canada based college players only.

Does it matter what division of US/Canadian college rugby I play?


Where do I declare?

Players may declare for the MLR College Draft at any time by submitting their Draft Registration Form  here.


Do I lose my collegiate eligibility by declaring for the Draft?

Your collegiate eligibility depends on the particular level of rugby and competition that you play. Please clarify with the appropriate body for your specific situation.

For D1A players, you do not lose your collegiate eligibility by declaring for the draft.

What happens once I am drafted?

MLR uses a “Draft and Follow” approach. The team that drafted you will have until the mid-point of the next competitive MLR season AFTER you are eligible to play in the MLR (through graduation/expiry of college eligibility/relinquishment of college eligibility) to reach an agreement with you.

I was drafted as a junior and and returned for my senior season, can I sign with the team that drafted me the previous year or do I need to re-enter the draft?

Graduating seniors who were drafted in the previous year’s college draft may sign at any time with their drafting team up until that season’s MLR Championship Match.  Players who fail to agree to terms with their drafting team or their drafting team relinquishes their rights shall re-enter that year’s college draft to enter MLR.

Do I lose my collegiate eligibility if I get drafted?

Your collegiate eligibility depends on the specific collegiate rugby governing body that you play under. Please clarify with the appropriate body for your specific situation.

For D1A players, being drafted will not affect your eligibility. However, you cannot begin contract negotiations (written or verbal) until your college eligibility has expired. Any contract negotiations that happen prior to the completion of your collegiate eligibility may result in forfeiture of college eligibility.

What actions might result in the loss of my college eligibility?

Please check with your collegiate governing body regarding specific eligibility requirements. Eligibility may be lost if any of the below events takes place:

  • Beginning MLR contract negotiations
  • Signing an MLR contract
  • Practicing or playing with an MLR Team outside of the approved training windows

If I declare for the Draft at the end of my Junior year and I am drafted, can I still play college rugby during my Senior year?

Yes, as long as you do not begin or execute contract negotiations (written or verbal), you will maintain your collegiate eligibility for your Senior year.

If I declare for the draft and I’m not drafted, can I still play for an MLR team during the next season?

Yes, if you are not drafted, you will be able to play for an MLR team and you will not be eligible for the next MLR Draft.

If I declare for the draft and I’m not drafted, can I enter the following year’s Draft?

Yes, as long as you still meet the eligibility criteria, you may enter the following year’s Draft.

If I am an international player at a US University how do I become US Eligible? 

You are required to maintain 60 consecutive months of Registration with USA Rugby and maintain a close and credible link with the United States under World Rugby Regulation 8.   Additionally you must file an outbound international clearance from your previous Union to begin that residency period.

If I get drafted, what sort of contract will I be offered?

All MLR contracts fall under two categories:

  • Standard Player Contract – Salaried, fixed term
  • Associate Player Contract – Hourly wage

Once a player is drafted, the specifics of each contract, including type, compensation amounts, and term, will be negotiated between the League, team, and the player, once the player completes his collegiate eligibility.

I still have questions about the Draft and need help, who can I contact?

Please contact for any questions/concerns.