Here you will find listed all of the judgments from Major League Rugby disciplinary hearings. MLR utilizes the expedited disciplinary procedures as provided in World Rugby Regulation section 17.25.
Each of the foul play offenses in World Rugby Law 9 has specific entry points indicated which is set out in a table format. This is known as the Sanction Table (World Rugby Regulation 17, Appendix 1) and MLR is required by World Rugby to adopt this table in full. The Sanction Table can be viewed on the World Rugby website by clicking here Sanction Table.
Each offence under Law 9 has a low end, mid-range and top end entry point. The Foul Play Review Officer or Judicial Officer reaches an entry point based on the assessment of seriousness of an incident; guided by an assessment of the factors noted in World Rugby Regulation 17.18 and a mixture of their own rugby experience and knowledge of other cases.
All cases are judged independently upon their own facts.
Player Suspension 6/27/23

Name: Blair Cowan
Team: San Diego Legion
Red Card or Citing: Red Card
Offense: Law 9.13
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Conduct at Hearing
Off Field Aggravating Factors: Disciplinary Record
Suspension: Four Weeks
Next Match Eligible: 3/02/2024 @ Seattle Seawolves
Player Suspension 6/27/23

Name: Alejandro Torres
Team: Dallas Jackals
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.12
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Disciplinary Record, Acceptance of Foul Play
Off Field Aggravating Factors: N/A
Suspension: Three Weeks
Next Match Eligible: Riverboat 7s 29 JUL 23
Player Suspension 06/22/23

Name: Maclean Jones
Team: Chicago Hounds
Red Card or Citing: Red Card
Offense: Law 9.12
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Disciplinary Record, Acceptance of Foul Play
Off Field Aggravating Factors: N/A
Suspension: Three Weeks
Next Match Eligible: 9/23/23 Chicago Griffins @ Detroit Tradesmen
Player Suspension 6/22/23

Name: Conrado Roura
Team: Dallas Jackals
Red Card or Citing: Red Card
Offense: Law 9.12
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Disciplinary Record, Acceptance of Foul Play
Off Field Aggravating Factors: N/A
Suspension: Three Weeks
Next Match Eligible: Club Palermo v. TBD 7th/9th Place Final
Player Suspension 06/22/23

Name: Cullen Maughan
Team: Rugby ATL
Red Card or Citing: Yellow Card Accumulation
Offense: Persistent Offending
Entry Point: Low-End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: N/A
Off Field Aggravating Factors: N/A
Suspension: One Week
Next Match Eligible: Hotlanta 7s 15 JUL to 16 JUL 23
Player Suspension 05/11/23

Name: Ma'a Nonu
Team: San Diego Legion
Red Card or Citing: Yellow Card Accumulation
Offense: Persistent Offending
Entry Point: Low-End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: N/A
Off Field Aggravating Factors: N/A
Suspension: One Week
Next Match Eligible: 28 MAY 23 San Diego Legion V. Rugby New York Ironworkers
Player Suspension 05/04/23

Name: Maciu Koroi
Team: NOLA Gold
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.18
Entry Point: Low End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Disciplinary Record, Acceptance of Foul Play
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Three Weeks
Next Match Eligible: 3 JUNE 23 V. Old Glory DC
Team Official Sanction 05/02/2023

Name: Brandon Sparks
Team: Utah Warriors
Red Card or Citing: N/A
Offense: League Policy Violation
Entry Point: N/A
Off Field Mitigating Factors: None
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: One Week Match Enclosure Suspension
Next Match Eligible: 13 MAY 23 @ Dallas Jackals
Player Suspension 05/02/23

Name: Jesse Parete
Team: New England Free Jacks
Red Card or Citing: N/A
Offense: League Policy Violation
Entry Point: N/A
Off Field Mitigating Factors: None
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Three Weeks
Next Match Eligible: 11 JUNE 23 V. Seattle Seawolves
Player Suspension 04/29/23

Name: Axel Zapata
Team: Houston SaberCats
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.13
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Three Weeks (One Week Reduction from WR Coaching Intervention Program)
Next Match Eligible: 27 May 23 Houston SaberCats V. Chicago Hounds
Player Suspension 04/27/23

Name: Jesse Parete
Team: New England Free Jacks
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.12
Entry Point: Low End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: None
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Two Weeks
Next Match Eligible: 21 MAY 23 V. NOLA Gold
Team Official Suspension 04/26/23

Name: Oliver Richardson
Team: Rugby New York Ironworkers
Red Card or Citing: N/A
Offense: League Policy Violation
Mitigating Factors: N/A
Aggravating Factors: N/A
Sanction & Suspension: 4 Weeks, Monetary Fine donated to a charity of MLR's choosing, Community Service (Two Week Reduction in Consideration of Community Service)
Next Match Eligible: 4 JUN 23 V. Dallas Jackals
Team Official Suspension 04/26/23

Name: Pote Human
Team: Houston SaberCats
Red Card or Citing: N/A
Offense: League Policy Violation
Mitigating Factors: N/A
Aggravating Factors: N/A
Sanction & Suspension: 4 Weeks, Monetary Fine donated to a charity of MLR's choosing, Community Service (Two Week Reduction in Consideration of Community Service)
Next Match Eligible: 3 JUN 23 @ Toronto Arrows
Player Suspension 04/20/23

Name: Saia 'Uhila
Team: Houston SaberCats
Red Card or Citing: YC Accumulation
Offense: N/A
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: One Week
Next Match Eligible: 6 MAY 23 Utah Warriors V. San Diego Legion
Player Suspension 04/19/23

Name: Gideon Van Wyk
Team: Houston SaberCats
Red Card or Citing: Red Card
Offense: Law 9.11
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Three Weeks
Next Match Eligible: 20 MAY 23 Houston SaberCats @ Utah Warriros
Player Suspension 04/06/23

Name: Wian Conradie
Team: New England Free Jacks
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.11
Entry Point: Low End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: One Week
Next Match Eligible: 15 APR 23 New England Free Jacks @ Toronto Arrows
Player Suspension 04/06/23

Name: Conor Keys
Team: New England Free Jacks
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.11
Entry Point: Low End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: One Week
Next Match Eligible: 15 APR 23 New England Free Jacks @ Toronto Arrows
Team Official Suspension 4/5/2023

Name: Heyneke Meyer
Team: Houston SaberCats
Red Card or Citing: N/A
Offense: League Policy Violation
Mitigating Factors: N/A
Aggravating Factors: Disciplinary Record
Suspension: 1 Week
Next Match Eligible: 15 APR 23 V. Dallas Jackals
Player Suspension 3/22/2023

Name: Ratu Tuvere Vugakoto
Team: Utah Warriors
Red Card or Citing: Red Card
Offense: Law 9.12
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Two Weeks (One Week Reduction from WR Coaching Intervention Program)
Next Match Eligible: 8 APR 23 Utah Warriors @ Houston SaberCats
Player Suspension 03/16/2023

Name: Jesse Parete
Team: New England Free Jacks
Red Card or Citing: Red Card (Accumulation)
Offense: Law 9.11
Entry Point: Low-End
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: One Week
Next Match Eligible: 25 MAR 23 New England Free Jacks V. Dallas Jackals
Player Suspension 03/07/23

Name: Martin Elias
Team: Dallas Jackals
Red Card or Citing: Red Card
Offense: Law 9.11
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Two Weeks ((One Week Reduction from WR Coaching Intervention Program)
Next Match Eligible: 25 MAR 23 Dallas Jackals @ New England Free Jacks
Player Suspension 2/22/2023

Name: Marcos Moroni
Team: Dallas Jackals
Red Card or Citing: Citing
Offense: Law 9.11
Entry Point: Mid-Range
Off Field Mitigating Factors: Acceptance of Foul Play, Disciplinary Record
Off Field Aggravating Factors: None
Suspension: Two Weeks (One Week Reduction from WR Coaching Intervention Program)
Next Match Eligible: 11 MAR 23 Dallas Jackals @ San Diego Legion